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Now before you get all concerned, here's what I know to be was aliens

obvious Aliens samantha carter amanda tapping explain Stargate - 6815512576
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3rd Grade Teacher Why are you chewing gum in class? Explain! Explain! Explain!!

class dalek doctor who elementary school explain teacher - 6568504576
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Can someone explain to me why I'm wearing PINK?

brent spiner Michael Dorn Worf pink levar burton explain data Geordi Laforge klingon - 6772111616
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crazy hobbits The Hobbit explain middle earth - 46633217

Gary Busey Explains Hobbits

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george lucas disney star wars explain calm - 44017153

George Lucas Explains the Future of "Star Wars"

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Then perhaps YOU can explain the giant spoon stuck in this woman's head!

spoon wil wheaton neil grayston Awkward Felicia Day holly marten explain douglas fargo - 6822539264
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Why plagarize like other 12 year olds

angry atomic Colin Ferguson eureka explain fish good idea sheriff jack carter - 6501272064
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