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To Adventure! No, Wait.

adventure comic darth vader hand hospital lightsaber luke skywalker star wars X Grab My Y - 5310160384
Via willanoid

Hospital Food

Captain Kirk DeForest Kelley food hospital McCoy Shatnerday Star Trek William Shatner - 5862099968
See all captions Created by jennchlebus

No, I'm pretty sure it was hospital

the dark knight rises hospital bane tom hardy batman dark - 6946727168
See all captions Created by MrCaysizzle

Doctor Who MD?

christopher eccleston David Tennant doctor who hospital Matt Smith puns the doctor tom baker - 6445038848
Created by Thespinerd

Worst Hospital Ever

batman heath ledger hospital joker the dark knight wrong - 5743253504
Via mrhipp

You Had Your Chance Before the Body Bag!

hospital scrubs zombie funny - 8279177472
Via ani625

What are You Going to do? Operate on a Triceratops?

hospital doctor friends - 8179095040
Via The Meta Picture