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chuck norris

Sir Christopher Lee

best of the week Christopher Lee chuck norris Death dracula Lord of the Rings lucifer mycroft saruman sherlock holmes star wars top villain - 5812684288
Created by huddl3

Hugo Weaving

Badass best of the week chuck norris elf Hugo Weaving Lord of the Rings robe - 6144608768
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Peter Cushing

awesome best of the week chuck norris doctor who dracula peter cushing science fiction sherlock holmes vampires - 5776120832

Were'd you get that scar big boy?

chuck norris flirting gay george takei Nichelle Nichols scar shave Star Trek sulu uhura - 6564881920
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Rory Williams Facts

arthur darvill chuck norris doctor who facts rory williams the silence weeping angel - 5340722432
Via CaveatLusor