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11th Doctor

Before You Say I am Stoling

11th Doctor doctor who derp - 7307977728
Created by Unknown

Bow Tie, Goodnight

11th Doctor doctor who regeneration - 7975172608


classic who geronimo 10th doctor tardis 11th Doctor doctor who 9th doctor - 7772018432

It's a Pair-o-Docs!

10th doctor 11th Doctor doctor who - 7240191232
Created by Oracle1138
clara oswin oswald 11th Doctor doctor who trailers series 7 - 48911873

The Bells of Saint John Trailer

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I Get the Feeling He Didn't Have a Great Time There

11th Doctor doctor who - 7984849664

My Other Time Machine is a Taris

Matt Smith 11th Doctor doctor who - 7809895424

Your kidding me?

11th Doctor doctor who stephen moffat - 7397742080
Created by The Doctor ( Via Don't Name the Doctor )

You only live once? YOU only live once.

yolo Matt Smith 11th Doctor doctor who - 7278959616
See all captions Created by Cheesedog2404

Anyone For Twister?

11th Doctor christmas special doctor who cyberman - 7981524480

I have a Catch Phrase now Catch phrases are cool

Matt Smith 11th Doctor doctor who - 7400281088
See all captions Created by Zipkicke99
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